summer youth
fun all summer long.
Summer Youth is like the laid back cousin of Friday night youth...
There's classic summer snacks, as many outdoor nights as possible, testimonies from our high schoolers, and more! You really don't want to miss it. Summer youth is an easy step into seeing what Ellerslie Youth is like for yourself.
For the most up to date information on what is happening, follow us on facebook and Instagram or connect with our Youth Pastor, Conrad.
Summer schedule 2024
July 3 - Kickoff
July 10 - Tie Dye
July 17 - Summerween
July 24 - Science Night
July 31 - Water Wars
August 7 - Field Games
August 14 - Christmas in August
August 21 - Summer Wrap Up

grades 7-12
wednesdays | 7:00 - 9:00 pm
**no cost and no need to register**
Questions? Contact Pastor Conrad.