
supporting one another

We are a community of women from various backgrounds, ages, and seasons of life with a common desire to live for Christ. 

Women's lives are filled with to-do lists of tasks and errands - kids activities to go to, aging parents to care for, groceries to buy, exams to study for, homes to clean, and oh so much more! It is easy for us to become isolated, burying ourselves in the work and worries of the everyday.

Several times a year we gather to uplift and encourage one another, develop meaningful friendships, and spend time together in God's presence. These intentional times remind us that we're not alone in our struggles and by inviting others into our faith journey we can find strength and support.

Stay connected by joining our Facebook community!


upcoming events

Prayer + Share
February 25 | 7:00 - 8:30 pm


Worship Night
March 18 | 7:00 - 8:30 pm

Questions? Contact renelle.