christmas wonderland

 christmas family fun

This is a winter festival for young families that is completely free.

Those living in South Edmonton are welcome to explore the joy of Christmas at Ellerslie - a time for memories to be made and wonders to be encountered.

Kids will enjoy Christmas crafts, carnival games, and live entertainment. And if you have little ones, there's a special Toddler Zone just for them! Warm up with hot cocoa while roasting marshmallows around an open fire, experience a LIVE nativity, and indulge your sweet tooth at the Sugar Shack. Don't forget to take a picture at the photo booth to capture the memories of your joy-filled evening together!

Invite your neighbours and loved ones for an evening to remember, filled with all the excitement of the holiday season.



Christmas Wonderland is made possible by the hard work and dedication of volunteers! There are many roles to choose from, whether you enjoy baking cookies, greeting guests, or ensuring that every last snowflake is swept away. Stay tuned to learn how you can get involved or contact pastor kelsey.


December 8, 2024 | 5:30 - 8:00 pm


Questions? Contact Pastor Kelsey.