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december, 2022

24dec6:00 pm7:00 pmFeaturedChristmas Eve Service @ 6pm


Event Details

Christmas at Ellerslie is a warm and inviting experience that’s fun for all ages and stages! With songs you love, stories of past and present, and teaching to capture you – all wrapped up with candle-lighting at it’s close, this will be a highlight of your season.

Join us for one of two identical one-hour services at 4:00pm and 6:00pm.

Classes will be provided for those in Nursery up to and including Kindergarten.

Elementary students will be joining their parents in the main service. Activity bags will be available in the foyer.


(Saturday) 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm


Ellerslie Road Baptist Church

10603 Ellerslie Road Southwest Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, T6W 1A1
