Sunday Morning Live

diving into the word

Sunday Morning Live (SML) is where the rubber meets the road, where we seek to dive deeper into the questions students have and what the Bible teaches. We have Junior and Senior High classes, where students are able to engage in a space where they can wrestle with questions and topics relevant to the stage of life they find themselves in. In SML, we seek to be a safe environment where students can explore the Bible, grow in their understanding of God, process questions and doubts, and ask the question, “what difference does He make in my life?” From this, we grow a generation of young people who know and love God and seek to make Him known.

SML meets on Sunday mornings in the Fireside Room, which includes a cereal breakfast afterwards. If you're a teenager and looking for friends to sit with on a Sunday morning then be sure to swing by the Fireside Room between services - many of our youth and youth leaders enjoy sitting together in service.

Stay tuned to our facebook and instagram for updated information on Sunday Morning Live. Feel free to contact us directly too!


Grades 7-12 | Fireside Room
Sundays | 9:15 - 10:15 am

Minor Prophets | April - June 2024

Questions? Contact pastor conrad.